Shiny Rocks update

In case you missed the last devblog:

Shiny rocks.
also messed around with putting the shader on a couple other things

I did quite a few bug fixes, fixed up the tutorial menu while paused (new tutorials are added as you find them)
I've also future proofed saves finally! If you play the windows version, you may have noticed your saves carry over to the next version, but sometimes loading an old save will just break the game....Well now the system has been updated to support saves between versions, and gives me the ability to easily move around and add saves without breaking old versions.

In order to fix another bug, where certain circumstances could result in unexpected behavior (such as dying while holding a direction causing that direction to continue being held until it was pressed again while in control of Ko), I had to update my games Unity version, which is kind of terrifying, but everything went smoothly! Just had to fix some issues with text spacing. 

Additionally, I've added a one-way breakable wall to my level building toolkit! but also gyfcat uploading has been broken for a few days, so I need to figure out a new solution for my upload pipeline... In the meantime, heres a small gif

Lastly on this update, I haven't done it yet, but I've decided to remove the minimap. I feel like its not doing a helpful job, and takes up too much space on the screen. I will be converting it to a pause menu map that you can scroll around and place markers on.

Please let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions/feedback on the current build! Thanks!

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